A surface front will move through WNC later this afternoon, and that could bring interesting weather to many around the area. Some models suggest that these rain showers could switch to snow in some valleys. Higher elevations will certainly see a switch over, and some locations above 4000’ could pick up a quick couple of inches. Roadways in higher elevations could get slick this evening, but temperatures will rebound tomorrow.. so just be patient if your road is snow covered and you feel unsafe to drive. Below is the current radar (9:00am) and you can see a large swath of moisture in TN making its way towards WNC. A cold wedge is setup across portions of the area, and that could help create mixed precipitation as the heaviest precipitation moves through the area. Its hard for me to pin point exactly which areas will mix, but locations who received ice over the weekend (favored CAD areas) are more likely to see that switch because CAD wedge air is what will produce it.
It’s Tax Season Again
That means its time to contact the local pros at C.P. Kruse Accounting to handle all your tax prep needs! Call them at (828)684-7374 or visit their website http://www.kruseaccounting.com
Both global models (GFS&Euro) show some type of switchover around the Asheville Airport later tonight, but the short range models don’t really see it that clearly. Temps hover in the upper 30’s and upper level temperatures are less supportive. Therefore a blend of the two would be flurries mixing in with rain as the system moves through the area. Here is The GFS snowfall map. You can see that it believes a dusting is possible in Henderson Co. but I am hesitant to believe it is correct because it doesn’t have short range model support.
6z GFS Snowfall Total Courtesy of Weathermodels.com
Compare that with the most recent NAM 3km run (below) snowfall totals, and they are very different. I tend to side with the NAM 3km, but we will see what the runs today show.
6z Nam 3km Snowfall Totals Courtesy of Weathermodels.com
Please report any snowfall to the AshevilleWX Weather Community on Facebook.
Arctic Air Moves In, Snow Showers Possible Sunday
More rain looks likely Saturday night into Sunday, as an arctic front moves through the area. Rain will begin late Saturday around WNC, and could switch quickly to snow sometime early Sunday morning. The details regarding this front still need to be hammered out, but temperatures Monday morning around WNC could fall into the low teens. Elevations above 3500’ will most certainly see snowfall from this event, in fact a couple of inches of accumulation cannot be ruled out. Below you can see the GFS precipitation depiction, and that northwest flow moisture banking up against the Appalachians.
6z GFS Precipitation Depiction Sunday Morning Courtesy of Weathermodels.com
As that moisture gets strained out, winds will likely carry snow showers into the valleys below. I will do another video update in the AshevilleWX App tonight so make sure you have that downloaded! You can watch active weather on AshevilleWX’s live webcam network.. Those can always be found here:
Grimes Teich Anderson Downtown Asheville Camera
Henco Reprographics Candler/Mt. Pisgah Camera
Olivette Riverside Farm Community Alexander, NC Camera
Haywood County Farm Bureau Insurance Canton/Dutch Cove Camera