Air conditions around Asheville and surrounding areas will continue to decrease over the next several days as a dust layer approaches the area. Current air quality indexes indicate that conditions in far SW WNC, and around the Charlotte area have already decreased to impactful levels. Models indicate that the dust will continue to affect our region through the foreseeable future so prolonged outdoor exposure for at risk categories is not advisable. Below you can see the current (as of 11am Saturday am) air quality conditions for portions of the Southeast including North Carolina.
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What Does This Mean?
For the next several days the quality of air will be affected by an immense amount of dust that is moving through the area. This dust can be traced all the way back to the Sahara Desert. Wind picks up dust particles from a very dry surface in Africa, and that dust is propelled by those strong winds all the way across the ocean. When the dust arrives, it causes trouble for many who struggle with breathing. Sometimes these dust particles are so small that you can’t even see them, but given enough time outside and they will cause some sort of shortness of breath. Young children and elderly adults with compromised immune system would be wish to limit outdoor times to sessions of 15-30 minutes at a time 2 to 3 times a day.
Call the team that keeps my truck clean at A&R Specialist! David, Matt & Harley run A&R Specialist at 621 Brevard Rd. and they are the guys to trust with your vehicle cleaning & detailing. Whether you need a deep wax every once in a while or a quality clean and detail, you can feel safe putting your car in the hands of A&R Specialist! Call (828) 708-3718 to set up your appointment today.
Air Quality Forecast
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Contact my local trusted roofing source Matt at RedWolf Contracting Services to take care of all of your roof replacements. From shingles, to metal roofing, and even commercial rubber membrane, Matt has the resources and solutions to take care of your job in a professional and cost effective manner. Call (828) 772-9778 or visit to set up your free roof inspection.
When Will The Dust Clear?
It is still somewhat uncertain as to how long the dust lingers, and there are some factors that need to be considered. This first wave of dust will likely clear by mid next week, but there appears to be another plume making it way across the Atlantic that will arrive later next month. Below you can see the progression of the dust over the past several days.
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For the finest landscaping in Western North Carolina, contact Sam Byrnside of L & S Landscape for a free estimate. From planting to mowing, mulching and all landscaping necessities in between contact Sam & his team! L & S also does salting of roads & driveways during the winter as well as tow pull outs if you get stuck in bad weather! Just give Sam a call (828)329-6020 to schedule your appointment today! Visit Site
Waves of Haze
This appears to become a reoccurring event over the next several weeks with very limited tropical activity. This is good for those who have trips plans to the coastal areas. Any activity in the tropics will likely occur close to our shores, and it will be limited at that. I will keep you updated on dust progression, but you can always find your current conditions here: