Finally we will break out of this cold spell, and several days of warm weather await beginning next weekend. A ridge will begin to build in the Atlantic and that will send in the warm air from the Southeast. In fact, some models even indicate some form of tropical development offshore, but the main focus right now are the high temperatures. Below you can see the most recent GFS model projected temperatures for Sunday afternoon of next weekend. Notice how many areas push into the upper 80’s or even 90’s! Thats the signs that you want to see if you are trying to get your garden in the ground.
GFS High Temps Sunday May 17th Courtesy of
For the finest landscaping in Western North Carolina, contact Sam Byrnside of L & S Landscape for a free estimate. From planting to mowing, mulching and all landscaping necessities in between contact Sam & his team! L & S also does salting of roads & driveways during the winter as well as tow pull outs if you get stuck in bad weather! Just give Sam a call (828)329-6020 to schedule your appointment today! Visit Site
So, that is one model… but I like to show at least one other that supports this theory so below you can see what the European model shows regarding high temps on Sunday on next weekend. Notice how temperatures are slightly lower in WNC, but still pushing into the 80’s. This is a good sign of a significant warm up and you should be just fine putting your garden in after Tuesday of this week!
Euro High Temperature For Sunday of Next Weekend Courtesy of
Currently closed due to Cover-19 Hot Springs Resort & Spa looks forward to welcoming you back ASAP.. Come to where Mother Nature waved her magic wand and created one of the most natural of all wonders, Natural Hot Mineral Waters. Heated deep within the earth, these crystal clear carbonated waters are are world famous for their mineral content and legendary healing powers. We pipe these waters to modern outdoor jetted hot tubs that we rent privately by the hour. In addition to our World Famous Natural Hot Mineral baths the day spa offers massage, body treatments, and skin care options. Hot Springs Resort also offers accommodations and camping options. Please visit for more information.
Frost Possible Tomorrow Morning
Another late May frost will be possible tomorrow morning, so it would be wise to leave your covers on sensitive vegetation through tomorrow around 9am. Many locations will struggle to reach freezing, but isolated locations will have the chance to frost.. so it is better to be safe than sorry. Below you can see the most recent NAM 3km model and the low temperature that it projects for tomorrow morning.
Nam 3km Monday AM Temps Courtesy of
Call the team that keeps my truck clean at A&R Specialist! David, Matt & Harley run A&R Specialist at 621 Brevard Rd. and they are the guys to trust with your vehicle cleaning & detailing. Whether you need a deep wax every once in a while or a quality clean and detail, you can feel safe putting your car in the hands of A&R Specialist! Call (828) 708-3718 to set up your appointment today.
Extended Dry Period Expected
As we warm up, the chances for rainfall will significantly diminish over the next 7 days. Farmers, it will be a great time to get hay laying on the ground if you need to make your first cut. Below you can see the most recent European model projection regarding total precipitation for the next 7 days. As you can see very little is expected to fall.
Euro 7-day Precipitation Total Courtesy of
Contact my local trusted roofing source Matt at RedWolf Contracting Services to take care of all of your roof replacements. From shingles, to metal roofing, and even commercial rubber membrane, Matt has the resources and solutions to take care of your job in a professional and cost effective manner. Call (828) 772-9778 or visit to set up your free roof inspection.
Time To Water
It will be time to start watering your gardens and landscape plants beginning on Tuesday or Wednesday of this coming week. As detailed out above, there is somewhat of a dry period that will be building and your plants will need their soil water replenished shortly. No significant rain event is on the books for the next 7 days, so drag the hose out and water your plants a few times over the next week to keep them looking green and sustainable.