Updated Snowfall Projection Map, Heavy Snow Set To Move Into WNC — AshevilleWX

Updated Snowfall Projection Map, Heavy Snow Set To Move Into WNC

As models continue to resolve how this situation will unfold, I have refined my snowfall totals to give you a more in-depth look as we go forward. A range of 12”-24” is very wide so I wanted to narrow that down a bit to help eliminate any confusion. A warm nose aloft could limit these totals, but if all precipitation falls as snow, some of these totals could be on the low end. Counties like Jackson & Clay will be farther away from the cold air source and closer to the warm nose, therefore mixing is expected. That will cut down on totals significantly, but I still believe 6”+ is possible in Jackson (especially in the Balsams), and 3-6” will be possible as you get closer to Andrews. Towards Boone, the column of air looks to be more suitable for snowfall throughout the event, and higher snowfall rates will be possible because surface temps will be in the 20’s. Therefore over 2 feet of snow will be possible in some locations N of Asheville between Mt. Mitchell & Boone, NC. Locations along the Blue Ridge Escarpment including Henderson, Polk, & Transylvania counties will all have the chance to see enhanced snowfall totals as well. I believe a strip of 18”-24” of snow will be possible across those 3 counties.

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Moisture Moving In

Current radar shows moisture already moving into the area, and there have been reports of snow/sleet falling already in some locations. Some mixing will be possible during the daylight hours, but as the sun sets and heavier precipitation moves in.. I believe we will switch to all snow around Asheville. The heaviest precipitation appears to move in late this evening and into tomorrow morning. Some models suggest that the warm nose aloft around Asheville will melt precipitation and produce sleet, but the margin or error here is razor thin.. so it must be monitored.

WNC Webcams To Watch

I have two live cameras up for you to enjoy this event!

Downtown Asheville Live Camera: Here

Candler/Mt. Pisgah Live Camera: Here

Radar: here
