All-Time Rainfall Record In Sight
In a year where weather records have fallen, it should be no surprise that Asheville, NC is closing in on breaking the all time yearly rainfall record. Currently at the Asheville Airport, meteorologist have recorded 73.97” of rainfall for the year of 2018. The record of 75.22” was set back in 2013 during an extremely wet year… but this year has be comparable.
More Rain To Come
more rainfall looks likely to end the year as another strong front looks possible before New Years. With only 1.25” of rainfall needed, a strong frontal passage could certainly drop that. Both GFS & European models show this possibility.. so I am going to predict that we break the all-time rainfall record! It is going to be close.. but I do believe that the front that moves through before New Years will drop enough precipitation. Check back here on to track the progression!
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